Apple Cocktails

apple cocktails

4 small apples
3 tablespoons mayonnaise
1 tablespoon lemon juice
salt and freshly ground black pepper
¼  teaspoon Curry powder
8 stuffed green ol/ves, sl/ced
50-75g/2-3 oz peeled, cooked prawns or
shrimps, halved

1 tablespoon Chopped Chives
50g/2 oz Cheddar cheese, finely diced
sprigs of watercress to garnish

Cut a slice off the top of each Apple and scoop out the

flesh and core. leaving a firm sheII lfiSIde the peel,
Combine the mayonnaise, lemon quce. seasonlng

Cheese. Mix thoroughly, then spoon back Into the appIe

shells. Arrange on smaII plates. garnish with the
watercress and serve at once.
