1 kg/2/4 lb potatoes. peeled
salt and freshly ground black Pepper
a little milk
grated nutmeg
large knob of butter
15g/l/2 oz butter
l 5 g/ 1/2 oz plain flour
l50 m 1/4 pint milk
2 frozen cod steaks. cut into small cubes
100 g/4 oz peeled. cooked prawns
1 00 gl-l oz crabmeat
2 scallops. chopped (optional)
50g/2 oz she/led cook ed mussels (optional)
150 ml/k4 pint Single cream
few drops of lemon juice (optional)
chopped parsley
whole cooked prawns
Cook the potatoes in boiling salted water for about
20 minutes or until tender Drain. then mash them
thoroughly until very smooth. Beat in the milk. nutmeg
and butter until smooth Season to taste and leave
to cool.
Set the oven at hot (220C. 425 F. gas 7). When the
mixture is cool enough to handle. spoon it into a piping
bag fitted with a large star nozzle. Pipe four nests on to
a greased ovenproof serVing dish. Bake the nests in the
heated oven for l0»l5 minutes. until lightly browned.
To make the filling. melt the butter in a saucepan. stir
in the flour and cook for a minute, Gradually stir in the
milk. Bring to the bOil. stirring constantly. Add the cod
and simmer gently for 2 minutes. Add the prawns.
crabmeat and scallops and mussels (if used). Cook
gently for 2—3 minutes. then stir in the cream to thin the
mixture. Continue to cook gently until all the seafood is
cooked. Season to taste. adding a few drops of lemon
juice if liked.
Fill the potato nests With the seafood mixture and
sprinkle with chopped parsley. Garnish with whole
prawns and serve immediately.
450g/l lb potatoes, peeled
salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 5 g/ 1/2 oz butter or margarine
4 tablespoons water
40g/l 1/2 oz plain flour
1 egg. beaten
50g/2 oz mature Cheddar cheese. grated
oil for deep frying
Red pepper sauce
2 red peppers
2 onions. chopped
2 cloves garlic. crushed
2 tablespoons chopped parsley
150m l/4pint White Wine vinegar
5Og/Z oz soft brown sugar
Cook the potatoes in bOiling salted water until iust soft
~ about 20 minutes.
Drain well and sieve or thoroughly
mash the potatoes. Put the butter or margarine and
the water into a small pan. heat until the butter or
margarine has melted. then bring to the bOll. Quickly tip
in the flour, remove from the heat and beat well until
the mixture leaves the sides of the pan. Leave to cool
until Just warm. then gradually beat in the egg. Beat in
the cheese. then the mashed potato and season well.
To make the sauce. grill the red peppers until the
skins blister. then peel them. Remove the cores and
seeds and chop the flesh roughly. Put it into a liqwdiser
or food processor. with the onion. garlic. parsley and
vinegar. then blend until smooth. Put the puree into a
pan With the sugar and bring slowly to the boil. stirring
frequently .Boil over high heat. stirring constantly. for
about 5 minutes. until the sauce is very thick. Add salt
to taste and keep warm.
Heat the Oil to l9OC/375F and carefully drop in
teaspoonfuls of the potato mixture. Cook for about
2 minutes. until the puffs are crisp and golden. Remove
with a slotted spoon and drain on absorbent kitchen
paper, Sen/e at once, With the sauce.
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