6 slices toast
25 g/l oz butter ( plus extra for spreading )
4 eggs
salt and freshly ground black pepper
2 tablespoons single cream or milk
(50 - g/2-oz ) can anchovy fillets ,
drained and halved
parsley sprigs to garnish
Beat the eggs with a little salt and pepper in a bowl.
Melt the 25 g/l oz butter or margaraine in a heavy-based pan , pour in the egg mixture and cook over a low heat stirring all the time , until the mixture thichkens and the eggs are creamy .Remove the pan from the heat and stir in the cream or mlik.
Quickly top the toast with the scrambled eggs and top with the anchovy fillets , arranged in a lattice pattern , and a sprig of parsley.
Party Tip
These savoury finger can be served cold as well .Beat some grated Cheddar cheese into the hot eggs and add 2 tablesppons chopped chives for extra flavour.Allow to cool , then spread on cold and crisp , well -buutered toast .Add a variety of garnishes and arrange the fingers on a platter.
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